40th KYOTO International Conference on “Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology” (KASET-22)

+44 7452 131777, +918699350603

Conference Venue

The conference April 4-6, 2022 Kyoto (Japan) will be ONLINE ONLY and for the Next conference Nov. 28-30, 2022 April 4-6, 2022 Kyoto (Japan) the following venue will be there (please contact by email for more details): 

Kyoto Garden Palace Hotel

(In front of "Kyoto Imperial Palace")


Hotel Phone Number +81-75-411-0111
(The cost of accommodation is not included in the registration fee of the conference.)

Below is the guide map from Kyoto Train Station to the conference venue:

Airports to go to Kyoto  & then to Conference Venue Guidelines

Osaka airport is NOT an international airport.
International airport name is: Kansai International Airport (KIX). http://www.kansai-airport.or.jp/en/index.asp   
Bty train Kyoto is 100 km away from Kansai International Airport. it takes about 75 min. from Kansai airport to Kyoto station.
It costs about 3,000 JPY from Kansai airport to Kyoto.

If you fly to Narita International Airport near Tokyo, it is 600 km away from Narita airport to Kyoto.
It takes about 3.5 hours. It costs about 16,000 JPY from the Narita airport to Kyoto

We think the best way to go to Kyoto, is to fly to Kansai International Airport.

The conference venue is a very convenient place to go. Here is a subway map around Kyoto city.


The hotel is located between K06 and K07 of the subway station. It takes about 8 minutes by walk from K06 to the hotel, also from K07 to the hotel.

The hotel is located at a center place in Kyoto, and very near the Kyoto Imperial Palace, where the imperial family lived from 1331 until 1868 when they moved to Tokyo.
There are many hotels in Kyoto city. Please find the hotel you like using, for example,
www.agoda.com   or   www.expedia.com



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